Thanks to the Social Network Department, today we take a quick 360-degree tour of our easy tips and tricks to Safely Stay on Socials (to better know what socials are and how they work, take a look to this page of ours)
Let’s start with security.
Complex, not linked to your readily available data such as name, date of birth or date of marriage…and with special characters in addition to capital letters and numbers.
The longer and more complex, the better.
Change it often.
No panic tip: you don’t need n-thousand passwords!
Four are enough.
Then you can alternate them for a period.
Example: psw1 for 3 months, then switch to psw3 for the next 4, change to psw2 and so on.
Then after a couple of years, you can mix existing ones to create new ones and then start again with alternation!
Enable 2-factors authentication.
That thing that banks usually do.
When you log in, they send you a text message to enter in the appropriate field.
If a hacker logs in not having your phone, they won’t be able to continue with authentication unless they are lucky enough to type in the right code with only 3 tries available!
Secure connections!
Avoid taking advantage of public wi-fi such as those in malls or airports.
You could connect to a hacker’s wi-fi and hand over all your access data!
If you have to stay connected and in touch with the office because of work needs, think of business travelers, protect yourself by using a VPN.

Steer clear of strangers!
Do not respond to, but especially do not click buttons or links contained in posts or emails or anything else from those you do not know.
Never be intrigued by those who have to donate money to you, or by comely maidens or romantic gentlemen!
As for messages that are a little different than usual coming from accounts that are instead known, thus trustworthy, consider that they may have been the ones hacked!
If they are so well known, you should also have other contacts, so make an email or phone call to cross-check outside the social or program you are using, even and especially at the slightest suspicion!
Better safe than sorry…
Use software protections.
Antivirus, antispyware, and httpS connections never go out of style.
For the first 2, I recommend updates should be daily.
Do them before anything else!
Do them before anything else!
Do them before everything else!
Repeat 10 more times!

Now that we have secured ourselves by complying with all the good practices, we can open and manage our social accounts.
Common features.
The company bio or introduction
The company bio or introduction, is the centerpiece in all social.
From there users will get the first information and thus the first impression.
There is no second chance to make a good first impression!
It will have to be short: because you don’t always have all the characters you need, then because we are running out of time!
We all want the all-of-the-above.
So make sure that in 10 seconds (but even less) it is immediately clear to those who visit your account:
W W W W W:
The cornerstones of information!!!
Curate personal photo or logo.
Editorial plan.
If you are on that social to do business, you must have the editorial plan.
What is the editorial plan?
It is the “what” you need to communicate and how often!
It’s quality that counts, not quantity.
It matters to be useful to those who visit so they will come back.
Once the ice is broken and a fair nr of followers are retained, the results will come.
Please note: never buy followers from platforms or those who tell you that you need X thousand followers to be successful.
First because they will be successful by selling you FAKE.
You, on the other hand, will be in bad water as you will have posts with 3 interactions but 10000 followers…. Get it now?
If you then make so-called “sponsored” i.e. sponsored articles/posts, i.e. you pay for them to be seen by as many people as possible, even non-followers, the algorithm and statistics will be distorted by those “ghost followers”, who do not interact, because they are fake!
Money thrown away!
SMM – Social Media Manager.
Surely you have heard the mythical phrase:
“Managing a Social? What will it take! My grandson does it too!” 😜
If it’s for business, get someone who does it for a living, with the skills and time to devote to it!
Are you in the business producing knit? Tiles? Furniture?
Keep up the good work that takes up so much of your time and energy, and let the social media manager (and his team) do his job.
Type of profiles.
Virtually all Social, have these 2 types of accounts:
– personal and
– business.
Others also have a third option: influencer or creator (or similar).
Let’s say the second is the one where you have to avoid the “good morning” and “photo with espresso” to be left (eventually) to the first type of account.
The third is for those who by trade are on social media to derive their salary.
Public, famous, or agency figures who use their appeal to bring results to business profiles.
Found what are you looking for? Contact us!
As introduced above, social was created to socialize, not to sell (at least not at “point-blank!”), so you have to socialize.
How do you do that?
One normally searches for profiles on social, reads their bios, and sends an invitation.
There are different ways for this, depending on the type of social:
LinkedIn more formal and motivated, others just click the dedicated button and wait for acceptance (or not).
But above all get invited!
Yes because it means we are getting noticed by the right profiles for our business!
By consistently posting, quality content! Already heard?😁
Consistency means always, even in summer.
Virtually all platforms allow scheduling of post publication, so… no excuses!
Quality means that it must interest the recipient.
Quality means that the post must keep the visitor glued in reading until the end of the post, as in the best mystery novels!
If possible do it periodically.
It is not necessary, but creating a kind of routine in our potential followers, allows to have a higher level of interaction and thus in the medium to long term get the results set (sell).
They are one of the pivots of success on social.
They are often highlighted in the layout of the platform, so they are the ones that most easily get the click or interaction, because the eye falls on them willy-nilly!
They are practically always videos (more or less long in duration) so you see and hear a message without the “effort” required to read it.
As the title says they are STORIES, i.e. you tell something about yourself, for personal profiles, about the company for business profiles.
No self-celebrations!!!
Beware of business profiles that are people, i.e. professionals, do not confuse the content! Which is very easy.
When you communicate with the Lawyer profile, the content is professionally oriented; for example, critical commentary on the latest Supreme Court ruling.
If you communicate on the personal profile, you can share vacation photos…
Verification and correction (if any) of the course.
Most important is the monitoring of results.
All platforms provide statistics.
So we need to monitor the number of visits to our profile, especially how these visits interact with our content, or do not interact, and then ask why.
Any clicks on external links, such as to pages on our site.
If things are not going as planned, no worries, it’s a matter of figuring out where you go wrong and making the necessary corrections.

Parenthesis: do you think your granddaughter/son is as trained and has the right tools for statistical analysis as the SMMs do? (which we discussed above).
Tik Tok.
Tik Tok is the fastest growing Chinese social, which is why we devote a paragraph to it.
Started as the social of kids, because of the very young age target (16-24 years old), and the “silly” and frivolous content, it is evolving and thus becoming very interesting for companies as well.
Because the frivolous content is still there, but don’t think that on other social networks it is not there, or is not getting there (see LinkedIn).
But what we are interested in is the fact that there is also more and more valuable content every day.
As with other social, we need to understand how Tiktokers became famous (VIRAL) and then pitch our businness content in the same way.
So making a video of how your product is created in a jaunty, fun, but not sloppy way will make the content enjoyable to watch, not boring and heavy, resulting in the risk of abandonment of viewing/reading; but most importantly you will have gained followers, you will have conveyed your message, your story (in this case the story of that product) of which users only see the end result on the shelf, or at the dealership…
Also on TikTok, the use of content shared on a larger number of profiles can be resorted to through payment.
The tool is called TikTok Ads Manager, which provides tools such as: augmented reality effects, transitions, filters and text (subtitles) to name a few.

Urban Legends.
There are no GURUs or magic formulas for success!
No one does miracles.
And those who did, did not have a happy ending life…
There are better times to publish, that is true, but it is no guarantee of success!
Sometimes flocking by posting all at that time risks diluting the attention span of users.
Media bombardment effect.
Too much content for users to see and read, so you end up doing to them a bit like at buffets:
a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a taste here, another there, and in the end you haven’t eaten much, and you haven’t mostly tasted anything.
So looking for a niche time where we are sure that our audience will devote the time necessary to “taste” our post that cost us time and effort, is a solution that professionals (SMM) know how to implement profitably.
Finally, the million-dollar question: must my business be on social?
Yes, but in the correct way.
– Correctly for the type of social: you can’t post on TitkTok like you can on LinkedIn.
– Correctly according to the activity you are in.
A lawyer cannot post as an entertainer (comedian or stand-up comedian), becoming a kind of clown and detracting from his personal brand.
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Hoping to have clarified so much for you, knowing that not everything has been addressed, we invite you to contact us if you have any doubts about anything inherent in the world of Social.