Many websites have a section called FAQ:
Frequently Asked Questions.
We don’t have it.
But, we do have a question that is asked very often.
“Why such a strange name for a digital marketing business?” Not rarely with embarrassment…
The time has come to tell the story of the genesis of this unusual name for a business like ours.

Ocean, SEO and SERP

During a business and pleasure trip, in an exotic archipelago (always combine business with pleasure), in the middle of nowhere, and on a nearly almost deserted beach, I am fascinated by some local athletes who are training to surf, but above all kite-surf, their national sport.

Crystal clear sea, a strong and fresh wind to compensate for the already suffocating heat at 9 in the morning, bodies like the Riace Bronzes and waves several meters high to challenge… for them.
After a good hour or so, spent admiring their evolutions in ecstasy, I decide to return to the hotel.

With the difficulty of moving forward typical of walks on soft sand where you sink up to your ankle, I think about how to connect what I saw with a nascent web marketing activity, very SEO-oriented.
And I can’t do it!
What do Google, the SERP, the ranking for certain search keywords have to do with surfing and kitesurfing?
Nothing! Sigh.
The only element that linked them was the ocean.

Yes, because in a previous job, I heard a colleague repeat very often that the client had to imagine his site that we were going to publish, as one among the many sites in the ocean that make up the web.
Obviously he was referring to the enormity of how many sites make up the web.
Not to mention the deep and dark web!

So it was suggested to combine the purchase of the site with an SEO activity, aimed at making it emerge from the depths of that ocean, and make it come to the surface in the light of the sun, that is, make it clearly visible to our client’s customers.

‘Surfacing’ comes into play.

Back from vacation, one evening on TV they show “The Hunt for Red October” for the thousand thousandth time, also in an edition with English subtitles.
The plot of the film thus arrives at the scene in which Sean Connery, orders to resurface, in the subtitles I read: “Surface it!”.
Eureka! The spotlights come on, more than just a light bulb!

SURFace thus becomes SURFacing.

Then those words of my colleague heard ad nauseam on so many occasions to clients and potential clients, resurfaced from memory!

“…You must think of the Web as an Ocean, made up of websites, where there are those on the surface that are kissed by the sun, and those in the depths that are struggling.
SEO has the task of making your site stand out in the ocean of the web made up of other sites, especially those of your competitors.
Then consider that just as the ocean (of water) is not a fixed and stable thing, but dynamic, think of the tides, the waves and the currents, the same happens with the web.
You can climb the SERP with SEO (click if you want to learn more about it), but you can be overtaken by others, in an eternal struggle to stay on the surface and enjoy the sun… “.
In the weeks that follow, I reworked, and thus was born:

Surfacing the SERP with SEO

as a company name.
And still on the subject of oceans and therefore water, another nice parallel to explain SEO. We also illustrate it for you, as in the image below.

SEO is the ‘Archimedes Principle’ that makes websites float :).

SEO is the Archimedes Principle that makes websites float

SEO is the Archimedes Principle that makes websites float